Steep Mountain Past Conditions

Top of the North Side

What am I looking for?

If the arrow is in the green it is a good direction for flying the north side. If the Arrow is South (Check out the South Side)

0-7mph – Sledders

7-14mph Full size launch the top of the North Side

18mph to bench up from lower launch

20 mph don’t top land a full size

18-22 Speed Soaring the top (13m)

26+ Crazy Experts only

Salt Lake City Wind Table

Station Speed (mph) Gust Direction Temp (°F) Humidity (%)

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Great way to see the location of cold fronts, forecasted rain and snow and upper level winds

See the location and altitude of the jet stream

See live satellite images

Surface prog chart forecast 12hrs out

Surface prog chart forecast 24hrs out

Soaring Conditions

NWS soaring forecast updated daily

Skew T Chart for the next 20hrs (in Zulu time)

RASP model created by Gavin F. using the Dr. Jacks weather model for Utah

Paid weather forecasting service very useful 

Wind Grams

ECWMF - Wind Forecast


Surface Gust



Cloud Cover